Since 2015

Professor (Professorship Energy Technology at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences) at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability


Appointment as "Leading Technical Expert" in the expert field "Airpath advanced concepts" at Continental


Development Engineer at Continental Automotive GmbH (Advance Development Engine Systems, Powertrain Division) in Regensburg


Development engineer at Siemens VDO Automotive AG in Regensburg


Development Engineer at Siemens AG (Siemens VDO Division) in Regensburg


Development Engineer at Siemens VDO Automotive AG (Advanced Development Gasoline Systems, Powertrain Division) in Regensburg


Research assistant at the University of Regensburg


Doctorate (Dr rer. nat.) at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Regensburg
Topic: "Theory of spin relaxation and intersubband absorption in semiconductor quantum structures"


Studied physics (Dipl. Phys.) at the University of Regensburg
Diploma thesis at the Institute of Theoretical Physics with the topic: "Quantum dots in a high magnetic field - application of a new method for solving the N-particle problem"


WITRON training award

Development of a diagnostic procedure for recognising the cause of combustion misfires occurring during engine operation

Development of various adaptation methods to compensate for tolerances

Development of a neural network optimised for use on control units

Concept design and industrialisation of a process for air path modelling and control of an engine with variable intake valve lift (successful start of series production in 2012)

Development of a runtime-optimised engine process simulation tool

Engine management
  • Comprehensive overview of motor control architecture
  • Air path modelling (intake manifold model)
  • Adaptation process for tolerance compensation (e.g. on throttle valve, injection, valve lift)
  • Carrying out and analysing measurements (vehicle, engine test bench, emission tests)
  • Data analysis and simulation with Matlab/Simulink
  • Development of control unit functions
  • 1D flow simulation, material data modelling
  • Modelling of combustion and heat transfer
  • Thermodynamic loss analysis
Modelling methods
  • Characteristic maps, polynomials, neural networks
  • Optimisation (regression, non-linear optimisation)
  • Adaptation methods
  • Diagnostic methods (model-based diagnostics, threshold monitoring)